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    Well, I was just sitting there, one night (01/25/05), watching the Fox Report.  It was the second half hour of the show, they are just about to go to break as the camera moves around the studio and zooms in on the laptop that sits right there in the studio on the stand.  Only there's something different on the screen; it's not the Fox Report logo.  "That looks too familiar," my brain is thinking.  The closer the camera zooms in on the laptop it dawns on me.  "Oh my god, (insert curse words said in astonishment and excitement), they just showed my painting of Shep on TV!!!" I freaked.  Then I tried to alert everyone in the house as I jumped around in front of the TV like a nutcase.  I'm not exactly sure what I said.  I could hardly speak and much less put sentences together as I tried to convince my mom and brother that my painting was just on national TV.

    Right after, I ran to my computer to login to Touché (Shep fan message board, if you don't know).  Part of me was convinced I had just hallucinated.  But to my surprise, a topic had been posted announcing the flash of my painting on TV by Ren.  I was convinced and I had convinced my family members, LOL. 

    Later that night I e-mailed Jane Skinner, who was co-anchoring the Fox Report while Shep was in Baghdad.  I asked her who found and where did they find my painting.  And of course, I said my thank yous.  According to Jane, their camera operator found it on Google.

    Believe me, I was so excited that night, I could hardly sleep.  I never imagined anything like that happening to me even though it was only for several seconds on TV.  Most people likely thought it was just a photo.  Regardless, this moment means a lot to me and the Fox Report rocks!



    Many thanks to all of the wonderful people who have congratulated me!  It made the moment even more beautiful and I'll never forget the love from everyone.  Special thanks to Ren for capturing the moment with a video clip and stills that I will keep forever and use to remind myself that it did actually happen, LOL.  And of course, a big thank you to the Fox Report camera operator and whoever might had been involved.  Last, but not least, thanks to Shep for being an inspiration.



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